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A large numbers of Veterans are being migrated to SPARSH. THERE IS NOTHING TO PANIC – PLEASE RELAX your pension will continue under any circumstances. Before one is migrated it is essential to update AADHAR CARD / PANCARD and Email address with your bank. Ensure THAT one uses PINCODE as given on Aadhar in SPARSH as well. .............. (CLICK BELOW)
Note - TOTP (TIME BASED ONE TIME PASSWORD) At this stage many PENSIONERS are facing problem which is basically that the Aadhaar Server may not be responding in time. Therefore we suggest that in place of Aadhaar OTP tick mark Adhaar TOTP, The instructions on the right "how to generate TOTP may be read. Here you need to have m-aadhaar app on your mobile installed. Once installed on phone just open the App click on My Aadhaar at the bottom row and delect TOTP in the next screen it will be displayed and the timer will move in circle, Enter this TOTP in the browser , submit and its done.
1.If you use Jeevan Pramaan for Life certificate ensure you select PCDA SPARSH as your banker.
2. If you use Manual Life certificate download it from site ,get is signed by any authority as in the past and then upload the same ---- For CO (Army) ---- For PBOR (Army) ---- For CO (Navy) & PBOR (Navy) ---- For CO&PBOR (Air Force) ---- For Def Civilian Pensioners
this information and use it for registering on the SPARSH portal. All details on SPARSH - are available on the PCDA portal › pcda › oc-sparsh ( Also ref their Circular No 647). This youtube video also carries some details -
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2.1. The first phase of Migration of Pension from Legacy System to SPARSH was commenced wef 17 November 2021. During this phase around 5 Lakh Post 2016 Defence Pensioners (From Jan 2016 to Aug 2021) were migrated to SPARSH by the April 2022. As in Oct 22 the migration of pre 2016 pensioners has also begun and is likely to be completed by end Dec this year (2022).
2.2 Some of the Migrated Pensioners have also received e-mail/SMS from SPARSH regarding creation of their SPARSH account, Pensioner Id, Username & Password to login their portal. It is therefore paramount that we as Veterans understand the SPARSH methodology and learn the same on your laptop. Brig Bansal has shared at the end of this post how to log into the SPARSH acct.
2.3. In due course of time, every SPARSH Pensioner will be allotted with a 12 digit Pensioner ID number. It should be kept in mind that, your 12 digit Pensioner ID is your SPARSH PPO No too. Another important fact is that, if you add 01 to your Pensioner ID as Suffix, then this 14 digit number will be your SPARSH Username to login your SPARSH account. For example, if your Pensioner ID is 236201500203, then your SPARSH PPO No is also the same 236201500203 and your Username is 23620150020301 (NOTE ADDING 01 in the End).
Caution . The Password as forwarded by SPARSH, is a System Generated Password & it should be changed immediately and a new Strong Password should be created by the Pensioner for the Safety & Security of his SPARSH Account. Doot forget to note it down in your diary should you forget which is most likely at our age.
2.4. Now let's analyse how the SPARSH PPO number is allotted to the Pensioners. Actually the SPARSH PPO number is assigned in a logical way and here each digit has its own indication.
2.5. The SPARSH PPO No is a 12 digit number. Out of 12 digits, the first three digits ( from L to R) indicate the Service and Category of the Pensioner. Here Service refers to - Army, Navy, Air Force & Defence Civillian and Category refers to - Officer & Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR). Details of the same is enumerated below --
101 - Army Officers
102 - Army officers of AMC, RVC, MNS, ADC & TA
201 to 250 - Army PBOR
301 - Navy Officers
401 - Navy PBOR
501 - Air Force Officers
601 - Air Force PBOR
402 - Defence Civilian Officers
701 - IDAS (Indian Defence Accounts Service) Officers
801 - Defence Civilian PBOR.
2.6. For further clarity of the above facts, let's take an example of a SPARSH PPO No, so to say - 236201500203. For better understanding, let's re-arrange the 12 digits of this PPO number will be - 2 36-2015-00203.
(a) The 1st digit ( 2) indicates the Pensioner is from Army (because 1 & 2 is allotted to Army). And the 2nd & 3rd digit ( 36) indicate the Record office of the Pensioner. Record Offices of the Army have been allotted Code numbers from 01 to 50. In this series, 36 is allotted to AEC Records. Hence 236 indicates that, this PPO belongs to an Army Pensioner & his RO is AEC Records. Some other Record Offices have been allotted the following codes -
ASC (S) Records - 40
ASC (MT) Records - 41
MEG Records - 22
and so on......
(b) 4th to 7th digit ( 2015) indicate the Year of Retirement of the Pensioner.
(c) 8th to 12th digit, that means the last five digits indicate the Running serial number of PPO. In this case it is 00203
2.7. Further, when the first Corrigendum PPO is generated, 01 is added with the PPO number as suffix. For Example : 236201500203-01 . If second Corrigendum PPO is generated 02 will be added as suffix and so on.....
2.8. Action to be taken by Pensioners after getting message from SPARSH :-
(a) Open the SPARSH Website by typing - and once the Website is opened, Login to your SPARSH Account by using the valid Username & Password as forwarded to you through email/SMS by SPARSH.
(b) Change the Password & create a Strong Password as per the instructions given therein.
(c) Next important task is PDV (Pensioner Data Verification). Unless & until your PDV is not completed, you can't proceed into your SPARSH Account.
(d) After completion of PDV, check your Pending Personal Data like Aadhaar, PAN, Home address etc. If not updated, complete the same.
(e) Once your Aadhaar & PAN is updated in your SPARSH Account, submit your DLC (Digital Life Certificate).
IMPORTANT It should be borne in mind that, your DLC can only be submitted successfully in SPARSH, if your Aadhaar has already been updated in your SPARSH Account, otherwise not.
2.10 We thank the SPARSH Pensioner of the First Phase Migration who has very kindly shared this information out of his experience. Big Thank You Sir from Signals Parivaar🙏
3.1. What is the SPARSH ? (System for Pension Administration (RAKSHA) (SPARSH) SPARSH is the acronym used for “System for Pension Administration Raksha” and is an integrated system for automation of sanction and disbursement of Defence Pension.
3.2. What does it imply ? Physically your pension account remains in the same bank & branch but the processing activity which was being done by the bank’s CPPC gets shifted from the Bank to SPARSH under the aegis of PCDA(P) Allahabad. In effect it means that all activities related to your pension will now be with PCDA wef 01 Sep 2021.
3.3. How is it being Implemented ?
3.4. For Veterans and Veer Naaris:
i. In July 2022 all Pensioners (Pre Sep 2021), of all Private & Nationalized Banks have been migrated from CPPC to SPARSH controlled by PCDA(P) Allahabad for disbursement of pension. Fifty percent of 30 Lakhs accounts of Defence Pensioners were transferred to SPARSH intially and the balance were planned wef March 2022.
ii. Thereafter banks CPPCs will have no role in the disbursement of your pension or redressal of any of your grievances related to your pension or accepting your life certificate.
4.i. SPARSH is applicable to all retirees wef Sep 2021 onwards.
L That means those who are retiring wef Sep 2021 onwards, their pension documents have to be processed on line through SPARSH by respective Defence accounts sections through PCDA (P) Allahabad.
ii. It means an individual has to forward hard copy of his documents to respective Defence accounts as earlier and to be forwarded through mail, on id provided to respective records (for JCO & Ors etc.).
iii. Thereafter it will be uploaded online through SPARSH. Hence no more hard copies to be forwarded to PCDA (P)
Allahabad, as it used to be done earlier. Where many times there used to be delay in reaching documents to the concerned officer, documents used to get misplaced.
iv. All these retirees are and future retirees will be getting their pension through SPARSH.
5. Some Points/ Implication of the Changes:
a. Portal operating agency being CDA Pension, Allahabad, all PPO numbers are expected to be regenerated starting with numbers 101.....old PPO numbers are likely to be superseded.
b. All officers who have received their user ID and Password from PCDA pension Allahabad to log in at and validate their basic data.
c. Henceforth pension will be credited on the last day of the month.
d. If a new PPO number is allotted, kindly resubmit your Life certificate NOW with the new PPO number and select SPARSH as the pension disbursing authority.
e. Important: Once your pension is transferred to SPARSH, every individual will get a USER NAME & PASSWORD message on their mobile to LOGIN ON SPARSH. Please save that message and once you login on SPARSH you can create your new password for security. This is just like logging into a bank site for checking our Salary slip and other issues related to our pension. However your pension account with the bank will remain the same.
f. Important: Once transferred to SPARSH - your PPO, corrigendum. Form 16. Life Certificate Pension slip, lodging of grievances - all will be on SPARSH. Hence please save your Login User ID and Password.
6. Updated PCDA SPARSH helplines & TOLL-FREE
Mobile 1800180532505322421877
(a) Go to PCDA (P), Allahabad website through the link
(b) You will see a Tab - Migration onto SPARSH which containsSub Tab- Check Status.(c) You will be taken to new page which show- will know yourSPARSH PPO.(d) You can check your SPARSH PPO by feeding any one out ofthree drop down fields:-(i) ePPO No.(ii) *Personal No* .(iii) Bank Account Number.(e) In the second field i.e. Enter Option Value, ie. Your bank account number. enter details of fields selected and after the image verification, click submit.(f) You will be able to see your PPO details on the screenincluding the SPARSH PPO No, if migrated.(g) The SPARSH PPO No. becomes your login id by suffixing01 i.e. at the end of your SPARSH PPO number* .
(h) Please login into the SPARSH website at URL -- and use forgot password togenerate your password.(j) Now the Pensioner would receive a message on registered mobile number which would contain the password for login.
- Services available on SPARSH for Pensioners/family Pensioner.
- How to change password on SPARSH.
- How to perform PDV on SPARSH.
- How to manage profile & perform identification including tracking.
- How to view PPO/Corr. PPO/LPC/Pension slip etc.
- How to lodge grievances on SPARSH(Payment related).
- Identification process in SPARSH
- Role of HOO(initiator and verifier) under SPARSH
- How to initiate Family Pension ( after disqualification of existing pensioner) on SPARSH
- How to intimate death of Pensioner on SPARSH
- Departmental Admin creation of new users.
- Departmental Admin, Editing/Updating of user details.
- Departmental admin, Swapping of users to posts.
NOTE - Join our Email List - Please send your Rank and Name, Regt/Corps , Email ID and Mob Number to our Member COORD at " " for Registration to receive updates on Veteran's issues regularly.
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2. Our aim at SIGNALS-PARIVAAR is to guide so that you can work on it as a "DO IT YOURSELF" exercise. Ours is a "NISHKAAM SEWA" to our Community.
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