**समस्त भारतिया थल, वायु और जल सेनाओं के वेटेरन परिवार को अर्पित मेरी वेब साईट - 23 LAKH HITS GLOBALLY ** JOIN THE PARIVAAR OF OVER 14000 VETERANS & LADIES HERE - https://bit.ly/3Iqnv0l ** DON'T LEAVE YOUR FAMILY IN LURCH, - ACT NOW ** BRIG NARINDER DHAND ** JAI HIND **

Friday, 16 September 2016



1. For some it may be difficult to browse through this site while searching for the right information or material. We therefore out line the method to go about as in succeeding paragraphs.

2.  Open the blog site go,  through the Flash News for something new on this site which is usually linked there . However you will like to read in full the detailed information in this site. Please follow the method as outlined here in (Read More)  

First Go to INDEX OF THE CONTENTS  OF THIS BLOG SITE,     wherein all posts are listed and grouped under main subjects. Say if you are looking for Pension Tables, go to Pension and then to the required post.

3.  Once you have reached the required post in the INDEX  click on it, the post will open in a separate or the same page as per setting of your computer. Once you finish with it go back to the home page from there or from the right hand column to continue reading.

4.   In this site there are large number of documents, pamphlets and E-Books which are of concern to the Veterans. Due to restriction on space in the blog site we have uploaded them in the cloud and linked them with hyperlinks in the text of the posts. Some of these documents are on Skydrive for the last over 12 years. This cloud storage has changed hands and is now called as One-drive. The new site gave us short links which we have refereed to in the text of the posts.
       Note: when you move your mouse over the hyper link test it's icon changes to a hand indicating the linked URL embedded in the text, just left click on your mouse the new linked page will begin to open.   (TRY THIS HYPER LINK > "OUR NDA MEMORIAL")  rarely at times you may need to CTRL+LEFT CLICK to open the page.

5.    Recently One drive has upgraded their cloud storage and have done away with the shortened links as such some of the documents may not open by clicking on them. We are however trying to repair them based on information being sent to us by our readers. These links being in thousands it is not possible for us to repair each and every link, even if we try it may take us a year. We will therefore urge our readers to kindly point out such invalid links by copy pasting their titles in your emails addsd to mgr.sigs@gmail.com or by  writing your message under the comments of the particular post. 

6.    It is easy to write your comments, while you are reading a particular post scroll down to the bottom of that post, where you will find the COMMENT written, click on this and formatted box will open where your msg can be typed or copy pasted and submitted. We will thank you and will take action immediately to correct the posts.

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